Urbańska, Włóczyk, Jużków Adwokaci spółka jawna
Urbańska, Włóczyk, Jużków Adwokaci spółka jawna

40-158 Katowice; ul. Jesionowa nr 22 lok. 8.4

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Poland Urbańska, Włóczyk, Jużków Adwokaci spółka jawna

Address: 40-158 Katowice; ul. Jesionowa nr 22 lok. 8.4
Tel.: +48 32 720 61 42
Tel.: +48 601 999 397

Our Polish office is located in Katowice capital city of Silesia Region – the main Polish industrial and commercial hub. The law practice was founded in 2013 and has continuously grown since then. We provide complex legal services for companies covering all angles of their business. We are experienced in corporate matters, employment issues, insolvencies and litigation.

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